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Credit Card

Fill out the form below to instantly submit your generous donation. Please consider Keeping PAF Breathing by making it a recurring donation.

Credit cards


Mail your checks made out to Piper's Angels Foundation to:


Piper's Angels Donations

11438 US Highway 1
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33408​



We gladly accept Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Tether, ADA, Lumens, Chainlink, Uniswap, Polkadot, and just about every other altcoin on the market. Due to the high number of tokens we accept, please contact us for individual wallet addresses.

Non-cash assets

Non-cash assets

We are able to accept assets such as real estate to help fulfill our mission while offering you substantial benefits on your taxes. Please contact us for more information.

Beneficiary designations

Beneficiary designations

You may choose to enter Piper's Angels Foundation as a beneficiary of specific assets at the time of your passing. Please contact us for more information.

Qualified charitable distributions

Qualified charitable distributions

If you're over the age of 70½, you may choose to offer a qualified charitable distribution from an IRA (other than an ongoing SEP or SIMPLE IRA). It is paid directly from the IRA without any income tax implications. Please contact us for more information.

Appreciated stock

Appreciated stock

We gladly accept stock that has appreciated for more than a year. Please contact us for more information.

A gift in your will

You may make the selfless choice to leave a percentage or specific amount of your estate to Piper's Angels Foundation at the time of your passing. Please contact us for more information on how to accomplish this.

A gift in your will

Amazon Smile

You can directly help Piper's Angels Foundation every time you shop online by selecting us as your preferred charity on AmazonSmile. We receive 0.5% of all eligible purchases at no extra cost to you.


Just bookmark and shop like you normally do on Amazon. It's the same website and pricing, but we get a bit of all your purchases. It's a great way to help us out throughout the year!


NOTE: The donations only work if you go to — purchases made via the normal will not contribute a donation, even after you sign up for AmazonSmile. 

Amazon Smile
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