Urgent Financial Assistance
Helping CF families in need
The Piper’s Angels Foundation (PAF) has established the “Urgent Financial Assistance” (UFA) program to assist people battling cystic fibrosis (CF) in need of medically necessary and time sensitive financial assistance. People with CF can find themselves in situations with financial stressors due to extended time out of work, in the hospital or unexpected necessary expenses. It’s part of our mission to help make those situations less stressful anyway we can!
View our Frequently Asked Questions or find out How To Apply below!

Who can apply?
Individuals with CF or legal guardians of minors with CF may apply for an urgent financial assistance grant.
What will PAF financially assist with?
We will financially assist with medically necessary needs that, if not met, will negatively impact the health of the individual with CF.
How much financial assistance can I apply for?
At this time, due to limitations brought forth by COVID-19, we are only able to provide grants of $250-$500.
How often can I apply for the Piper’s Angels UFA grant?
Due to the quantity of applications received, each individual with CF is eligible to apply for a UFA grant once in a rolling calendar year. If your family has more than one child with CF you may apply for a grant for the other child after 6 months of the initial submission.
How To Apply
Applicants are required to provide all of the following documents in order to be considered:
1. Application
Fill out the digital application below in full:
2. CF Verification Letter from social worker or doctor
Your CF social worker or doctor needs to personally write a verification letter (on hospital letterhead) confirming CF diagnosis and verifying that your request for financial assistance is necessary for a "medically related" need that will impact the health of the CF applicant if not paid.
Emailed directly to UFA@pipersangels.org from the social worker’s or doctor’s email.
3. Photo Submission: Send one (1) photo of the reality of what CF looks like for you. These photos serve the purpose of enlightening and educating people to the realities of life with CF and thus inspiring more people to donate to the Piper’s Angels Foundation programs to help more CF families in need.
MUST be JPG or PNG files. NO PDFs
Must be original raw photos. Cannot have filters, be edited, or be a screenshot.
1 photo of what the reality of cystic fibrosis looks like for you on a difficult day with CF
Email to UFA@pipersangels.org with applicants name in subject line and the word PHOTO
**For individuals with privacy concerns please email us if you are not comfortable submitting your video. We respect your needs and boundaries and this will not hinder you from receiving the grant/program participation.
4. Photo Release Form
Must download and SIGN "PAF Photo Release Waiver" from the website. Click the link below to download
5. Submit
Please email ALL items as soon as possible to UFA@pipersangels.org and include the applicant's name in the subject line.
UFA applications will only be processed once ALL steps are 100% complete.
We know time is of the essence for your needs, we thank you for your patience and we very much look forward to being of service the best we can!